Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A New Venture

This past January I opened a business selling home decor and doll clothes online.  It's starting very slowly but I have made a few sales on eBay.  I just opened my Etsy store so nothing has happened there yet.  The name of the shop is Cynthia's Thimble  and you can see it here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/CynthiasThimble?ele=shop_open
     Now comes the "new venture" part, I am considering opening a brick and mortar consignment store for local crafters but haven't decided if I am brave enough.  I belong to a group of crafters here in Macclenny, Florida and they are all quite enthusiastic.  We have been meeting a little over a year and we call ourselves "The Ivy Cottage Guild" because we meet in a little antique store in town called the Ivy Cottage. Here is Ms Kathleen's facebook page, it is the most amazing place.  http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Ivy-Cottage-of-Macclenny-FL/196276930548.  It started as an informal little get together where a few local women could get together to visit and pursue our favorite crafts but it quickly blossomed into a family. 
     We have discussed frequently the lack of quality materials to be had locally and how wonderful it would be to have a fabric store in town selling quality fabrics.  Now there is a perfect storefront available for rent right downtown and I really REALLY want to open a shop there.  It would be more than a fabric store though, I would have classes to teach any kind of needlecrafting you would like to learn.  I know how to sew, knit, crochet, quilt, tat, embroider, spin, (can't think of anything else right now) and would just love to teach.  If I don't know how to do it another guild member does.  So we would teach and also offer a place for local craftspeople to sell their creations on consignment.
     We would like to make Macclenny, Florida the place crafters think of when they want to see what is new.  We also would like to see the downtown area revitalized here and make it a destination for the whole area.
    I need to look into financing options first, I read somewhere that there is a website where you can submit a business plan and find people willing to invest in you.  I think this is a very good venture so I plan to submit a good plan.
     I think that's a good start for a blog, need to go cut out a new dress to add to my Etsy shop.

Thanks for visiting.

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